Training // deepen your knowledge


Unlocking Physical Performance:


an 8 week training course // with Kate Sagovsky

Discover a tried-&-tested approach that unlocks your ability to play an infinite range of characters. In the first half of the training we will learn key tools & techniques that allow you to access physical transformation. Through playful explorations you will learn how your habitual body language is always communicating the story of you – your personal character & identity. We will then discover how you can make clear, specific physical choices to change the story your body is telling & transform into someone (or something) else entirely.

Drawing on a range of movement approaches we will experiment with simple yet effective ways of altering your physical expression, for both naturalistic & expressionistic performance. Identifying & changing different parts of your relationship to Space, Time, Weight, & Flow will allow you to transform your posture, gestures, actions, & interactions as you take on a character’s way of being.

In the second half of the training we will discover how these tools can be combined & applied to meet many of the common challenges actors & performers face on different projects – both in live performance & on screen. Together we will explore simple yet effective ways to make detailed character choices when you are faced with the following demands:
- Period Roles: pinpointing historically accurate body language  
- Altered States: playing drunk, drugged, or ill 
- Ageing: playing younger or older 
- Gender & Sexuality: embodying the masculine-feminine spectrum
- Sci-Fi & Fantasy
: creating fantastical beings

Kate is an experienced movement director who has worked as a movement specialist at many of the major UK theatres over the past 15 years, including The National Theatre, Shakespeare’s Globe, & The Royal Shakespeare Company. She has trained actors at many of the top institutions in the UK, as well as teaching at film schools & conservatoires internationally. In this course, she will share the exact same processes that she uses when working as an international movement coach, helping actors prepare for high-profile film, television, & stage roles. By the end of this training you will have unlocked the secret of how you can create & refine a detailed character for live or on-screen performance, or when faced with a challenging audition.

Join us if you:
>> Have ever received a script or project description & thought ‘how on earth am I going to play that?’
>> want to discover a range of valuable movement tools & a simple methodology for applying them yourself to any given character.
>> know that movement & physical expression are vital parts of acting & performance but find it difficult to practise & apply physical tools & techniques in your professional working life.
>> desire to be a performer with the ability to be wholly present & physically-ambitious.
>> want access to top-quality training that is usually only accessible to actors enrolled on a conservatoire-level degree programme.


Sessions: 2 hour live online class weekly or available to stream as recorded sessions.
Day & Time: Thursday 10:30 (UK) 11:30(CET)
Dates: 14th, 21st, 28th October & 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th November & 2nd December 2021
Taught by: Kate Sagovsky
Language: English

Price: £147 (50% discount for 2021)
Instalment 1: £49 at time of booking
Instalment 2: £49 by 27th September 2021
Instalment 3: £49 by 14th October 2021

This training:

>> is aimed at professional actors & performers; or those currently in university/conservatoire level training programmes (or equivalent).
>> involves rigorous physical activity. However, we aim to make our classes as accessible as possible & material can be adapted accordingly. So please do
contact us if you would like to discuss your particular access needs & we can work out together whether the training is suitable for you.



an 8 week training course // with Kate Sagovsky

Image in Cosmic Circle.jpg

Join us to discover how you can work with Laban’s Efforts to transform your acting & performance skills. Through playful physical explorations we will discover how making specific choices about your movements can help you completely physically transform to become someone or something else.

In this training course you will discover how Space, Weight & Time (the Motion Factors) can be combined to create eight specific ways of moving: the Efforts. These eight qualities of movement can be applied in performance from naturalistic screen roles through to full-body expressionistic movement & dance. Mastering them will unlock the ability to create a huge range of characters.

Kate has co-written a book outlining the extensive process for working with Laban’s Efforts that was developed by Vanessa Ewan through over thirty years of work with actors in the studio. Through this eight-week training course Kate will draw on that material to share the secrets of this process with you. Together we will journey through the following areas of learning:

- The Motion Factors of Weight, Time, & Space
- Building & embodying the Eight Efforts
- Effort Weaves
- Effort Archetypes
- Creating Characters Using the Efforts
- The Efforts & improvisation
- The Efforts & text
- Applying the Efforts in rehearsal & performance

This workshop will inspire the actor to dive deeply into their own learning process. You will discover what a valuable tool the Efforts are for the actor, how to own them for yourself, & apply them in many different scenarios. By the end of this course you will understand how to embody the Efforts & apply them with amazing results in both rehearsal & performance.

Join us if you:
>> always feel ‘stuck’ making the same choices when playing characters or doing movement improvisation.
>> want to master the art of physical transformation, & understand how to access characters & ways of moving & being that are very different to your everyday self.
>> know that movement & physical expression are vital parts of acting & performance but find it difficult to practise & apply physical tools & techniques in your professional working life.
>> desire to be a performer with the ability to be wholly present & physically-ambitious.
>> want access to top-quality training that is usually only accessible to actors enrolled on a conservatoire-level degree programme.


Sessions: 2 1/2 hour live online class weekly or available to stream as recorded sessions.
Day & Time: TBC
Dates: TBC
Taught by: Kate Sagovsky
Language: English

Price: £147 (50% Discount for 2021)
Instalment 1: £49 at time of booking
Instalment 2: £49 by TBC
Instalment 3: £49 by TBC

>> The training price includes a 35% discount on
Laban’s Efforts in Action: An Actor Movement Handbook by Vanessa Ewan & Kate Sagovsky.

This training:

>> is aimed at professional actors & performers; or those currently in university/conservatoire level training programmes (or equivalent).
>> involves rigorous physical activity. However, we aim to make our classes as accessible as possible & material can be adapted accordingly. So please do
contact us if you would like to discuss your particular access needs & we can work out together whether the training is suitable for you.